Tuesday 31 January 2012

Tell me.
How can someone be so fake?
A told me bad things about B. After I left, A met up with B and talked very happily.
Can you all just imagine that scene?
So weird isn't it?
Well, i thought all matured already.
Nevermind, out of my control anyway yeah?

Alright, exams are coming. Just hope that i'll be able to make it ah.
Right, i'm supposed to do my project now, but i'm here.
Distractions. No concentration. #Fail.
I just made a promise to myself yesterday that i'll study hard. No more slacking!
Procrastinate. WHY. :(

Anyway, i've signed up for Ukelele course!
Hehehe, so looking forward to it.
But still feeling a bit regret uh.
$.$ Everything needs money. This sucks.
I just feel that i'm spending money on unnecessary stuffs sometimes.
How i wish someone is here to control my money hahahaha okay mad.

-Emo period now-
Nobody's here with me :( Lonely. 
Tears can drop out of no reason at this time.
Where are all the happy times? :(

17 June 1993
NanyangPoly; BusinessManagement
Loves loves loves singing!

等不到天黑 焰火不会太完美

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Designer : Chili.
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